KMD Family Day was a great success! Day of the Open Companies in Gotha.
Our first Family Day on September 10, 2016 was a great success. We were literally overwhelmed by the enormous popularity. We counted almost 500 visitors during the day and thank everybody for coming and all staff who contributed to make this day special!
On the occasion of the "Day of the Open Company" in Gotha we invited all employees and their families, as well as interested citizen, to have a look behind the scenes to learn about the various jobs and career opportunities KMD offers.
Especially pupils, but also commuters who want to stay in their home region of Thuringia, followed our invitation and informed themselves about job and training vacancies and internships. The Thuringian Agency for recruiting skilled employees (ThAFF) was also present with an info booth.
We also wecomed many little guests that day who had fun on an inflatable jumper. Everybody got to take home a small, water-jet cut turtle made of natural or artificial stone, and a small childrens book "Unser Freund ist Steinmetz" ("Our friend is a stonemason").